Monday, November 30, 2009

Alive at 60 years of age!

Well today is my 60th birthday, decided to take the day off and enjoy myself, but as usual I am unable to sleep much later than when I usually get up for work.

I never expected to get here, to be frank, because of my chronic leukemia, but thanks to some great pharmaceutical products, albeit very expensive, here I am.

Am reading a book about health care technology and high costs, Taming the Beloved Beast, by Dan Callahan ( , and am wondering, given the need to curb Medicare costs, whether I will be able to afford those same meds should I make it to retirement's not up to me, but my Higher Power...I am going to continue to live life one day at a time...and enjoy each day the Sun shines somewhere.

Hey I always wanted to grow old gracefully, but I didn't grow up gracefully nor did I handle middle age too well, so the odds are I may not be the peaceful Quaker curmudgeon I want to be, but I will certainly try. Need to learn to let my arrogance and anger go and continue to spend some time each day in prayer and meditation.

I am trying to deal with my anger re: the inability of the Obama administration to get meaningful health care reform passed, not health insurance reform, and then the escalation of Vietnamistan...

Peace to you all, Wayne

PS Bah humbug, I detest the commercialization of the pagan solstice holiday, stolen by "Christians" to perpetuate their divine birth myth....

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